Social Security disability can help disabled individuals with some of the challenges they face when they are unable to work because of a disabling medical condition. To qualify for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, the disabled individual may suffer from...
Comprehensive Legal Services For Those Contending With Injuries And Disabilities
Social Security Disability
What is the Social Security disability appeals process?
This blog recently discussed the importance of a Social Security disability hearing. A Social Security disability hearing can be an important component of the Social Security disability appeals process. Applicants for Social Security disability have important appeals...
Ways to prepare for a Social Security disability hearing
Preparing for a Social Security disability hearing is important because it can have an impact on whether or not the applicant receives Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. These are important benefits available to many disabled individuals and their families,...
Understanding work history requirements for SSD benefits
There are two primary components for qualifying for Social Security disability benefits and disabled individuals seeking benefits, or who think Social Security disability benefits may be able to help them, should be familiar with what those components are. Social...
Long-term disability could qualify for Social Security disability
When it comes to achieving health and well-being, suffering a major health event is rarely anything anyone expects. However, when illness or injury strikes, it can leave a person in a fragile position in terms of their health. Sometimes these incidents will heal after...
Social Security disability may be an option for long-term injury
Finding yourself in poor health is never an ideal situation. It can make it difficult to do much of anything including work and enjoy leisure time with loved ones and friends. If your injury has persisted one year or more, you may be wondering about the potential...
What if my SSD benefits are up for review?
When an Ohio resident is injured, ill or suffers from a medical condition and seeks Social Security disability benefits, being approved is an undeniable relief. These benefits are useful to make ends meet and to get the medical care necessary. However, there will be...
The determination process for SSD benefits
Suffering a severe injury or receiving a sudden diagnosis of a serious health condition can shake a person's world. An individual in Ohio and elsewhere is not only faced with the pain associated with these conditions but also the impact it has on a person's ability to...
Helping you secure the SSD benefits you are entitled to
The inability to work can be a scary thought. No one expects to suddenly be unable to work because of an injury or illness. However, workers in Ohio and elsewhere can be faced with this issue. When a worker cannot maintain employment because of an injury or illness,...
Helping you secure the SSD benefits you deserve
It is not always easy to ask for help. Even those living with disabilities may put off seeking assistance with the hope of being able to make things work out. However, when a person decides to apply for Social Security Disability benefits, this can be an overwhelming...