Every job has its risks. Yet, some professions are inherently more dangerous than others. You may not think about it at first, but the nursing field is more treacherous than many people realize. In fact, 2020 saw a nearly 300% increase in workplace injuries and...
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Workers’ Compensation
Are hospitals to blame for nurses’ back injuries?
While being a nurse can be rewarding in that you get to provide care to those in need, it can also be physically grueling. In your position, you have to lift and maneuver patients, bend down and reach up high to grab medical supplies and electrical cords, carry heavy...
What can I do if I notice the effects of an injury years later?
Sustaining an injury at work can be extremely costly, as you struggle to pay for medical expenses associated with the injury and take time off work to heal and recover. Workers’ compensation benefits can provide you with the necessary financial support to pay your...
Will I be paid for the entire period of time I’m off work?
Obtaining workers’ compensation benefits after sustaining an injury on the job can provide you with the financial support you need to pay your bills and let you focus on recovering from your injury. Without your workers’ compensation benefits, you could be overwhelmed...
What benefits can I receive in a workers’ compensation claim?
Work accidents, injuries and health conditions are constant concerns in Ohio. While people who work in physically dangerous or strenuous jobs are generally at greater risk, this can happen to anyone even if they are in relatively sedentary types of employment. Because...
How do you know if you have a workers’ compensation claim?
No one expects to be injured at work. But it only takes a split second for something to go wrong and for you to be left with serious harm. And the ramifications of these injuries can be significant, too, leaving you with extensive medical needs and an inability to...
The possible long-term effects of a concussion
A concussion is a considered "mild" form of brain injury. But anyone in Canton who has had a serious concussion could tell you that it does not feel "mild." In the hours after a concussion, you can experience headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision and...
Prevalence of workplace slips, trips and falls cause concern
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Association, 15% of work-related fatalities nationwide, including Ohio, are caused by accidental falls. The matter is concerning because slip-and-fall accidents are preventable. Workplace safety advocates say the direct...
Why is construction work so dangerous?
Construction sites in Ohio and across the country are more dangerous than most other workplaces. For that reason, construction company owners and their site managers have to pay significant attention to employee safety. Employers are responsible for providing work...
Common retail workplace injuries
Customers might think that retail work is a fairly easy job. After all, how dangerous can it be to operate a cash register? As someone who has worked in retail, you know this is an oversimplified view of the industry. In reality, retail workers face a high risk for...