Defective products hit the market more often than people realize. And when they do, innocent consumers like you can be put in harm’s way, facing the risk of serious harm or even death. If you or a loved one was injured or killed by one of these products, then you...
Comprehensive Legal Services For Those Contending With Injuries And Disabilities
Which intersections in Canton are the most dangerous?
When Ohio residents and visitors take to the road in Canton, whether it is as a driver, a motorcyclist, a passenger, a bicyclist or a pedestrian, there is the chance of an auto accident with injuries and fatalities. These can happen for many reasons, including...
Five common reasons why truckers cause crashes
It seems like nearly every time we tune into the Canton nightly news, we hear of a crash involving a semi-truck overnight or during the daily commute. It is enough to make you wonder why semi-truck drivers are not more careful. After all, a semi-truck crash causes...
The problem with distracted driving
Balancing work, family and social obligations is no small feat. You have probably experienced just how hard it is to keep these three different areas of your life from seeping into one another. Despite this, you are a safe driver and know how important it is to keep...
Is the bruise you noticed a sign of elder abuse?
No adult child of aging parents in Ohio or anywhere wants to imagine their loved one suffering neglect or abuse at the hands of a care provider. Whether you are currently researching nursing homes to help transition an elderly loved one to an assisted living lifestyle...
Medication errors can cause serious harm to elders
If your loved one is in a nursing home or assisted living facility, caregivers are responsible for administering required medications, and you trust them to do that correctly. However, mistakes happen, and although hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare...