Employers in Ohio and elsewhere in the country are responsible for the safety of workers by addressing all known hazards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration prescribes safety standards. After a fatal workplace accident, the surviving family might have...
Comprehensive Legal Services For Those Contending With Injuries And Disabilities
Month: November 2020
Workplace injuries common in retail
Whether shopping for holiday gifts, buying groceries or simply running household errands, few consumers realize just how dangerous it is to work in retail. Retail workers face a number of on-the-job risks that can lead to both workplace injuries and illnesses. This...
Unchanged workplace injury numbers no reason for complacency
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the number of occupational illnesses and injuries in 2019 shows little change from the 2018 numbers. It applies to all private industries nationwide, including Ohio. Will this cause employers and employees to become...
Does workers’ compensation cover work-from-home injuries?
In Ohio, workers might have questions about their rights to workers’ compensation if they are injured while working from home. What used to be unusual has now become normal with many individuals from all types of industries working from home. Workers’ compensation...
Cold Ohio winter threatens employee safety
When workers are exposed to the cold Ohio winters, their bodies have to work extra hard to maintain the temperature. Employers are responsible for protecting employees from the dangers of extreme weather conditions like cold stress. Precautions include allowing...