In order to pay for basic living needs, most people obtain employment. Whether it is a well-paying job or not, these funds are considered crucial for living. This means that when income is significantly reduced or stopped, problems can arise. While many workers in...
Comprehensive Legal Services For Those Contending With Injuries And Disabilities
Month: December 2018
Silica toxins in common dust may be the new asbestos
If part of your job as a construction worker involves cutting or drilling through concrete, masonry, rock or other mineral-containing substances, you probably take many safety precautions. You wear gloves to protect your fingers and hands. You use a face shield to...
ADA protections for mental illness in the workplace
In the U.S., about 18 percent of individuals report a mental illness in any given month, making psychiatric disability one of the top reported. Workers with mental illness, or a history of mental illness, are provided workplace rights and legal protections under the...
Common occupational diseases suffered by workers
When individuals in Ohio and elsewhere go to work, they expect to complete their work duties and get paid for them. People do not expect the act of working to cause them actual harm. In other words, workers do not often consider the possibility of suffering a serious...
Reasons to seek SSD benefits
When a person in Ohio or elsewhere looks at their paycheck, it is clear that there are certain deductions for programs that may be beneficial to them in the future. One of them is Social Security. While no one expects to suffer a serious injury, a chronic health...