Working in the hospitality industry can be a good opportunity for people just like you who enjoy fast-paced, energetic opportunities. But for as exciting as it may be, it can also be dangerous. Hundreds of thousands of hospitality workers suffer serious, life-altering injuries every year. Recovering from these workplace injuries is not easy, either.
While hospitality workers experience fewer workplace illnesses than others, they suffer far more injuries. In 2016 and 2017, the hospitality industry reported around 434,000 serious injuries that required as long as seven days off work. Another 175,000 injuries required even longer time off for recovery.
Falling hazards
Falls, slips and trips make up nearly 30% of non-fatal work accidents across all industries, and the hospitality industry is no exception. Hospitality workers are frequently on their feet too, potentially putting them in harm’s way quite frequently. Something as seemingly innocent as a spilled coffee or a curled rug could cause someone to fall. Workplaces can minimize the risk for falls, slips and trips by:
- Posting signs in slippery areas
- Posting signs by recent spills
- Requiring workers to wear non-slip footwear
- Using adequate lighting
But even with every ounce of prevention, accidents can still happen. If you fall while at work, be sure to be careful and patient when getting back up. If you do not feel strong enough to do so, it may be better to wait for help.
Lifting hazards
Lifting and handling accidents come in close behind falls, slips and trips. These accidents make up 22% of non-fatal injuries. Since related injuries usually involve significant muscle strain, victims often experience severe pain to their:
- Backs
- Necks
- Arms
- Legs
These injuries usually develop over time from frequent or repetitive movements. This means that someone who has worked in the hospitality industry for some time could be at a higher risk for a lifting or handling injury than someone who is newer. However, it is possible to suffer an injury even after just one lifting incident.
Falling object hazards
Another 10% of non-fatal injuries involve falling objects. While you might mistakenly think this means just having an object bump you on the head, it can lead to serious problems ranging from minor bruises and cuts to concussions or blindness. An object does not necessarily have to fall from a significant height to cause significant damage, either.
Taking time off work to recover from workplace injuries usually means having to go without a paycheck. Like so many other people in Ohio, this is just not financially possible for you. Workers’ compensation benefits provide a solution, though. Since successfully navigating the workers’ comp system is not really straightforward, you should be sure to work closely with an attorney who can guide you through the process.