If you are unable to work and earn a living to support your Ohio family to an injury or a serious illness, you could be eligible for benefits through the Social Security Administration. However, there are different types of disability support, and it is important to understand the differences between them. They are Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance.
There are strict eligibility requirements for both types of disability payments. If you believe you have a rightful claim, it is beneficial to know which one is the right option for you. Some disability applicants find it beneficial to seek help regarding the most beneficial course of action for them.
Which type of disability is best for you?
If you are applying for disability benefits, you may be surprised to find out how difficult it can actually be to secure the payments you need, even with a valid claim. One of the simplest ways to make this process easier and give you a better chance of success is to know the differences between SSDI and SSI, along with which one is for you. The main differences are as follows:
- SSI: These payments are not contingent on your work history, and they are available to disabled adults, blind children and adults age 65 and older. The payments depend on income and financial resources.
- SSDI: These payments depend on your work history and the amount you paid into the system. In order to qualify, you must have a valid disability expected to result in your death or last at least 12 months.
If you apply for the wrong type of disability benefits, later learn you are not eligible or have other problems, it can take even longer to get the financial support you deserve. Many applicants find it beneficial to seek help and guidance as they start the disability benefits application process.
Get the financial support you need
It is frustrating for you and your family when you are unable to earn an income and hold a job. If you think you might qualify for disability benefits, you may find it helpful to start by seeking a complete evaluation of your case and explanation of your legal options.
This simple step can help you understand what to expect from the process ahead, as well as how you can avoid certain problems and complications. It can also help you understand whether you may be eligible for either SSI or SSDI payments.