While the warm months are the typical time major construction sites on the roadways begin, it is possible to have work continue throughout the year at these sites. Because of this, motorists in Ohio frequently travel by these work sites on a daily basis throughout the year. Although this feels commonplace, motorists can forget to reduce their speeds, take notice of signs indicating lane changes or even notice a construction worker near their lane of traffic. Failure to take extra caution at a construction road site could result in a motorist causing a serious construction worker accident.
Being a victim of a construction work accident is a shocking, painful and an often life altering experience. While the risks involved with this type of work are apparent, this does not make going through such an incident any easier. Thus, the experienced attorneys at Brian, Zwick, Marchisio, Stone & Associates understand the severity of the pain and suffering a construction worker is going through. We are dedicated to helping injured workers assert their rights and protect them throughout a legal action.
Every workplace accident causes a unique situation, and depending on the circumstance surrounding your accident, it may be possible to pursue compensation for a wide variety of damages. This could include wage loss, medical expenses, rehabilitation, permanent total disability, temporary total disability permanent partial disability and benefits such as Social Security disability and Supplemental Security Income.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s construction workers’ accidents website. A workers’ compensation claim could help offset the losses and damages caused by a workplace accident, helping a worker obtain the financial support needed to recover and move forward such a tragic incident.