Comprehensive Legal Services For Those Contending With Injuries And Disabilities

How artificial intelligence can lead to product defect injuries

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2025 | Injuries |

Defective products hit the market more often than people realize. And when they do, innocent consumers like you can be put in harm’s way, facing the risk of serious harm or even death. If you or a loved one was injured or killed by one of these products, then you might be justified in taking legal action in hopes of securing accountability and recovering compensation needed to offset losses like medical expenses and lost wages, but it’s going to be up to you to prove how the product was defective and thus led to the harm claimed.

There are many ways in which a product can be rendered defective, too, making it difficult to pinpoint where the error that led to your or your loved one’s injuries occurred. And with the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) into the product design processes, it can be even more challenging. While AI seeks to ensure that products get to the market faster and safer, they may actually pose a risk to consumers.

How AI can be responsible for defective product designs

AI is being utilized at an alarming rate in the design of products, and for several reasons. By using AI, businesses can streamline the creation of prototypes, the testing and analysis of certain design features and accelerate product design improvements. However, there can be real risks associated with using AI to create product designs. This includes the following:

  • Input errors: Although AI can automate many processes, making product development easier, its success is based, in large part, on the information inputted at the beginning. If that information is inaccurate or misapplied to a particular AI application, then the resulting product design can be flawed, even despite AI testing. This could put a dangerous product on the market.
  • Algorithm problems: On the front end, AI is based on its underlying algorithms. If those algorithms are defective in some fashion, then the work output generated by the AI is also likely to be defective. This can completely skew the product design and analysis process, creating a potentially dangerous situation.
  • Poor quality control: AI is a product in its own right that needs to be periodically evaluated, maintained and repaired when needed. If the company that designed the product in question has failed to keep appropriate tabs on its AI, and that has led to a faulty product design, then that company may be deemed responsible for any harm that results to you or your loved one.

These are just a few of the ways in which AI can contribute to a dangerous product. AI can also be responsible for poorly written warning labels and errant marketing, as well as other mistakes that can render a product unsafe. So, if you or a loved one has been hurt by a dangerous product and AI was in play, you need to learn as much about that programming as possible so that you can develop a strong products liability claim.

Build the legal arguments necessary to aggressively advocate for your position

The damages associated with an injury stemming from a dangerous product can be significant. That’s why you need to take legal action seriously. You’ll need to know the law, where to gather evidence and how to develop legal arguments that speak to the statutory elements in play. That’s why it might be beneficial to continue reading up on relevant products liability issues. By doing so, you’ll better position yourself to make the fully informed decisions that are right for you.