It is hard to not notice the money going into Social Security. Each paycheck shows these deductions, and workers in Ohio and elsewhere know that this money will be available to them in the future if they are rendered disabled due to an injury or medical condition. However, many individuals living with a disability may not immediately enjoy these benefits, as roughly two-thirds of the initial claims filed for Social Security Disability benefits are denied each year.
How can you improve your chances for SSD approval? Many denials are due to incomplete information or not enough documents that help prove that a person is suffering from a disability which is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death. Thus, the first step to increase the odds of being approved is ensuring eligibility for these benefits.
By speaking with a medical professional prior to applying, people may better understand if they are suffering from a qualifying disability. Furthermore, this can help applicants collect all necessary documentation that could help illustrate the disability. It is also important that applicants file for these benefits right away. This process can take time, and waiting around for much needed benefits could create a hardship. Finally, applicants need to be prepared for a denial and understand what to do to appeal such a decision.
Securing SSD benefits is not as easy as a person might think. The application process can require an applicant to complete a significant amount of paperwork. This is not as feasible for some, and many may not have readily available assistance. It is important for applicants to not only understand what is required in the initial application, but also the options they have if the application is denied.