One understands that debilitating injuries and illnesses exist; however, one never thinks that such a condition would impact them. Unfortunately, disability can plague individuals in Ohio and elsewhere suddenly due to a work accident, workplace illness or other related incidents. One is often not prepared to deal with the aftermath after being told he or she is permanently or temporarily disabled. Even more so, the financial hardships this can cause can b significant and difficult to overcome.
Fortunately, those living with a disability may be able to offset these financial hardships by applying for Social Security disability. Depending on one’s situation, he or she could qualify for one or two or both programs. These programs are designed to help those living with a qualifying disability and are unable to work. One could seek Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI or Supplemental Security Income or SSI.
What is the difference between SSDI and SSI? SSDI is funded through taxes taken from payroll, and the recipients of these benefits must have worked for a certain number of years to qualify for them. In other words, one must have contributed to this fund for a certain number of years in order to enjoy these benefits.
On the other hand, SSI has to do with a person’s income and nothing to do with an applicant’s work history. In order to qualify for this program, one must be suffering from an eligible disability, have a low income and only a few resources. SSI is managed by Social Security and is not paid for through taxes. In any case, anyone seeking either SSDI or SSI must be suffering from a qualifying disability that is expected to last a year or result in his or her death.
Filing for SSD benefits is an important step to take for those living with a disability. Getting together the necessary documentation can be difficult. Because it is important to have these applications complete, it is important to obtain guidance. And even if one is initially denied, it is still possible to initiate the appeals process, helping one still obtain these necessary benefits.