Going to work is a routine occurrence for most residents in Ohio and elsewhere. However, it is not one that is taken lightly or for granted in some situations. Take, for example, those employed in the construction industry. These workers complete large and dangerous projects. Because they are faced with risks and dangers on-the-job, it is possible to suffer a serious workplace injury. Such a situation could cause a worker to require significant medical attention. The worker may even have to take time off the job in order to recover.
Although it is a tough predicament to be in, injured workers have options available to them. Workers’ compensation benefits can be extremely valuable for injured workers. To begin, workers’ compensation insurance is a state-mandated program that is designed to pay employees that are injured or disabled in connection to their line of work. This means that Ohio worker’s injured on-the-job may be able to seek these benefits.
Workplace accidents can happen for a wide variety of reasons. An injured worker might be worried about the incident being partially or entirely his or her fault. It should be noted that in most cases, an injured worker may still be able to pursue workers’ comp no matter who is at fault for the injury. Obtaining these benefits, however, does preclude an employee from suing his or her employer for the injuries covered by worker’s compensation insurance.
Workers’ comp can cover various expenses. This typically includes medical care, replacement income, costs for retraining, compensation for any permanent injuries and benefits to surviving loved ones if a worker was killed on-the-job.
Suffering a workplace injury can be shocking and difficult to cope with. It is important that injured workers understand what options they have when it comes to seeking workers’ compensation benefits. Taking this step could help a worker pusue the compensation needed to recover from a workplace injury.