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Understanding forklift accidents on a construction site

On Behalf of | Jan 12, 2018 | Construction Workers' Accidents |

Construction sites are frequently a work in progress. This means material, tools, machinery and workers are always coming and going. While plans and objectives are put in place for a project, this does not always mean that things go as planned. Although delays happen, often due to weather, simple mishaps and not enough workers, delays could be related to defects in hard machinery used at the site. Defects could mean that the project is at a standstill until it is fixed or replaced. However, a defect could also mean a construction site accident and injured workers.

Forklifts are frequently used at construction sites. They are used to move material and can raise, lower, pickup or drop large objects or a large quantity of smaller objects. While these are very useful and often reliable industrial machinery, if they are not properly used or found to be defective, they could be deadly machines.

Certain factors, in addition to defects in the machinery, could play a role in a forklift accident. To begin, a forklift could be inadvertently driven off of a loading dock. Next, a forklift could fall between a loading dock and an unsecured trailer. Third, a forklift in operation could strike workers on the site. Finally, a forklift could fall due to the unleveled ground it is on or the unbalanced weight it is carrying.

Health and safety standards have been put in place to help protect against these types of accidents However, even when regulations are followed, mishaps could occur. An employer or an employee might be negligent or distracted at the worksite, causing harm to a construction worker. Additionally, a forklift owned or rented by the construction company could fail or malfunction, resulting in a serious construction site accident.

Following a workplace accident, it is always important to seek the medical care you need. While these costs might be overwhelming, it is crucial to understand the options available to you. Workers’ compensation benefits could be recovered following a work accident, helping an injured worker address damages such as medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages and other losses.

Source:, “Powered Industrial Trucks – Forklifts,” accessed Jan. 6, 2018