After you suffered a work-related injury, were involved in a serious accident or experienced some other event that resulted in you developing a long-term or permanent disability, you may have begun to worry about your finances. Medical expenses could cause you considerable struggles, and if you can no longer work due to the disability, you may wonder how you will generate an income.
As you contemplate your options, you may consider filing for Social Security Disability benefits. Of course, you may also know that many first-time applicants for these benefits face denial from the Social Security Administration. As a result, it could takes years to go through the application and appeals process in hopes of obtaining benefits. In the meantime, you may try to find work or avoid additional medical expenses in hopes of helping yourself financially, but these actions could potentially harm your application for SSD.
Skipping doctor visits or treatment
Because medical attention can often prove costly, even when not on a very limited income, you may find yourself avoiding numerous trips to the doctor or even foregoing treatment in hopes of stretching out the money you do have. However, lack of medical attention and records could give the judge considering your SSD application the idea that your condition does not meet the severity requirements necessary to obtain benefits.
Attempting to work
As you wait anxiously to find out whether you receive SSD approval, you may also find your funds dwindling. As a result, you may attempt to find ways to generate even a small amount of income by working part time or carrying out small tasks for pay, even though it causes you pain or other ill effects.
You may feel that this action is necessary, but if the individuals considering your application see that you have tried to work for longer than three months, they may think that your condition is not debilitating enough to warrant SSD.
Lacking medical information and referrals
If your SSD application lacks evidence of how disabling your condition is, your application may face denial. You could bolster your application by providing records from your doctor regarding treatments, visitation to specialists and statements from medical professionals indicating how your condition limits your ability to perform work-related duties.
Applying for SSD
Because the application and appeals process can prove long and difficult, you may want to ensure that you take the proper steps to apply the first time. Obtaining information from local legal resources could help you understand the actions you may need to take to submit a compelling application.