We all feel a little down and upset sometimes. While this can be entirely normal and appropriate for certain situations, if an individual in placed under serious stress or is suffering from anxiety, this could result in depression. Many employees in Ohio and elsewhere experience this issue. It is difficult to deal with the challenges and stress of the workplace, especially if they do not have the ability or access to self-care. In the end, this situation can make it difficult or even impossible for a worker to continue working.
Mental health issues can vary greatly, impacting individuals very differently. According to current statistics, 18.5 percent of American adults currently suffer from some type of mental illness. This equates to roughly 43.8 million individuals or 1 in 5 adults. This means that when you look around your workplace, there is a high chance that several colleagues are suffering from some sort of mental illness.
With regards to depression, over 6 million Americans are currently suffering from this mental illness. While this condition can be managed by medication, it is a mental condition that could greatly impact a person’s day-to-day life. Additionally, it can be difficult to maintain a job.
In some cases, depression can derive from the work environment, making it a workplace illness. Thus, it is important to understand if you have options in your situation. Workers’ compensation benefits might be available to you, helping you cover medical care, lost wages and other damages.
While it might seem like you will never feel normal again, depression is a very manageable condition. Therefore, those suffering from depression caused by the workplace should take the time to understand what rights are afforded to them and what steps they can take to address any losses or damages caused by it.
Source: Inc.com, “How to Work When You’re Depressed,” Suzanne Lucas, Oct. 11, 2017